I once upon a time used to think that India is still a country whose unity lies in its integrity.India's multilingual culture,food ,people and their religion make it unique and different from the rest of the world.That's what i read so far in all the books from childhood.That's what our small town convent schools used to teach us in our Hindi and English books,I remember.That time I used to feel proud about the fact.Because i used to think its right,because the proof is still there....so many different states and each one had a different language and thousands of other local dialects.One state would be so much different from the other that it would be even difficult to believe that Mizoram and Kerala are two different states in India.Cos the the culture and language and people would all be entirely different.
yes now I would like to come to the main topic and not divert from what i have to say,I was talking about the culture shock,that was a feeling u get in Ur heart when u go out of Ur home country,now most of us Indians know what it means,for some who don't know-it means anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown culture such as one may encounter in a foreign country. It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture,this is the dictionary meaning of the word.But its very common feeling for all of us who get a chance to visit a foreign country and stay there sometime.If i drag this topic a little more then i would also like to mention the term Reverse culture shock while returning to our own culture.But I would again not like to divert from the main topic....so now wat i would like to say is this cultural shock is one thing which fades away with time and adjustment but what about the shock that my culture gives to me with time and it keeps leaving a deep impression on my heart,the more i read about the new generation the deeper the impressions are.
Now where should I start from that's the toughest thing to do.When u see movies like Dev D or there's one more I cannot recollect the name but some movie about Neha Dhupia and Sunny Deol where the ambitious girl and wannabe model lands into porn industry in London its shocking to see how she gets trapped into it and unable to come out of it.The movie also depicts how those street side romeos and eve teasers have utilized technology like mobile camera and web cam to make a porn clip of a pretty neighbor and posting it on internet for either money or fame.Its sad to know and annoying too.But then its true there are some websites who are actually doing this.Then you check the story of the DPS,Delhi girl who was just in standard 12th when she got defamed for her act when her clip got leaked out to the world.
These are just instances that are into limelight and we know them but u don't know whats going inside every house in our beloved country.What a distance relative is doing to a grown up girl or a tutor is doing to a little girl when she is alone,or may be a lonely housewife being fooled by a younger boy.I believe there's a story now in every house.There is every woman in India prone to these hungry were-wolfs who are a sweet talker before trapping their prey and when the right time comes they pounce upon them.But my question is this the India we are looking forward to make.No we don't want India to march towards perversion.This is not the culture we grew up in.These instances give us a shock about our culture cos we never pictured our dear country to be like this.All the goodness of our country fades away the moment I realize that the fast moving porn culture is gripping our innocent little towns and villages.Thus the culture shock now holds an entirely different meaning for me.
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